Fenichel 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2015 I had been using TMG under Windows 7/64 for several years. The last installation file I have is for version 9.01, but I see that the numbers mentioned by other people went up to 9.05. I may have live-upgraded to 9.05, but I don't recall this. My old machine died, and I have been loading software & data to a new machine. I have reinstalled TMG from its 9.01 installation file, but when I try to load one of my TMG databases (created with 9.01 or, as noted above, possibly with a slightly newer version), TMG rejects it, saying "The selected project was created by a newer product or version and cannot be opened with this versaion of The Master Genealogist." Is it possible that a backwards incompatibility was introduced with one of the second-decimal-place version changes? That doesn't sound likely, but if it was, then I need to find a copy of 9.05, if only to salvage my data for a currently-maintained DB. If not, my files must be corrupted. Is there a salvage utility? Any advice will be appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terry Reigel 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2015 Yes, there were file format changes in the free upgrades to TMG 9, so your 9.1 installation will not open a project created with the later versions. The latest updates can be found at http://whollygenes.swmirror.com/tmg9setup.exe for the US edition. It is a full installer - you don't need to have a previous version installed to use it. Apply the serial number you already have for TMG 9. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fenichel 0 Report post Posted October 15, 2015 Thanks for your response. I used that upgrade, but it wouldn't start, saying that it needed MSVCR71.DLL. OK, I found & installed a copy of that DLL, but now TMG flounders in a new way. It seems to start OK, but then after I select a .PJC file to open, it says "Cannot load 32-bit DLL c:\windows\system32\bblistviewv.ocx.113 TMGAPPOBJ.REGISTERCONTROL." There is an option to Ignore this message, but choosing that option leads to a cascade of other messages, all complaining about a class (48 TMGAPPOBJ.DOFORM) not being registered. Is there a special trick I'm missing, possibly related to a 32-bit/64-bit Windows issue? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim Byram 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2015 Run the TMG v9.05 installer and select [Repair]. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fenichel 0 Report post Posted October 16, 2015 Thanks. Just as I got your message, I completed an alternative solution: uninstalling & reinstalling from scratch. That worked. I'm sure your solution would have worked too. Thanks for your help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites