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Deleting Index file so I can create new one

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My TMG 9.05 opens normally but when I select a random person, I get an error window saying "Index does not match the table. Delete the index file and re-create the index. 87 REPPUSH". I tried File>Maintenance>Re-index but apparently I have to delete the old index file first!


Please advise as to how to do this. Thanks!



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File / Maintenance / Initialize Repeat Files


The issue is the index files for the repeat files, not the index files for the project.

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As Jim mentioned you need to delete recreate the index files for the repeat files.

As an aid to learning how to do searches the next time, note the following. To do the Search Virginia suggests, you will need to select "The Master Genealogist v9" forum either from the main menu when you enter (or by clicking here) and enter the search term at the top. That will perform the search within that selected forum. That search term will return two previous posts with questions which mention this same error, and provide the same solution Jim gave.

Hope this helps,

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