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Exhibit File path changed

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I recently moved to a Win 10 machine from VISTA. TMG seems to run just fine except, I inadvertently ended up with a different file path on the new machine. This has caused a big issue with all of my exhibits.

Is there any way of redirecting the file path for the exhibits short of doing each one individually?

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The path in the data tables for each external exhibit should not be changed.


If the exhibit path in Preferences has changed, simply correct it. The Preferences path has nothing to do with existing exhibits and is only used to determine the default path for new exhibits.


You can always update the exhibit paths using the external exhibits feature of Validate File Integrity. This will only work if all exhibits are in a single folder until TMG version 8.05 where the ability to deal with exhibit trees added.


You can also use TMG Utility to update exhibit paths. If you are saying that the location of the exhibits folder has changed, you can use TMG Utility to search and replace the front part of the exhibit paths and correct all of the exhibit paths in the data table for the new location.

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