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Using two monitors

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TMG 9.05.


Maybe I am missing something. After setting my project to allow using two monitors, i still can only use one. When I try to expand the project only windows that show are the ones that stay on the original monitor. The only ones do not show on the second monitor, that just disappear until I reduce them back.

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Hi Bob,


I regularly use two monitors with TMG. But I don't think it works as one would think it works.


First, I have found no value to the Preferences // Program Options // Other setting of "Allow multiple monitors". I leave it off, yet use two monitors with no problems.


Next, from the MS Windows point of view TMG has only one window. TMG's separate (sub)window panels such as Details, Siblings, Flags, etc. will only display within the one main TMG window. You cannot move them outside that main window. For this reason I designed a layout where the main TMG window fills one monitor, and I use the second monitor for other purposes, like searching the web or reviewing a report, etc.


Finally, I have not found the MS Windows feature of "maximizing" the TMG main window on a monitor of any use. I simply manually moved the TMG main window and its edges to fill the monitor of choice, then resized TMG's various sub-windows within that main window, and saved this layout. That way when TMG starts with its Welcome screen it will display on the monitor of choice.


Again don't forget that once you define the TMG main window and its sub-windows location and sizes the way you like, you must save this Layout using the TMG menu item View // Layouts // Manage Layouts.


Just my way of using two monitors, but I hope this gives you ideas,

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Thanks Michael. I have been using two monitors exactly as you, using TMG on one and research on the second. I was just experimenting within TMG. One wonders why the 'multiple monitor ' option is even in TMG if it does not work.

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One wonders why the 'multiple monitor ' option is even in TMG if it does not work.


Only the developers might know. Could possibly have been a placeholder for a feature that was never implemented, and now never will be.

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TMG 9.05.


Maybe I am missing something. After setting my project to allow using two monitors, i still can only use one. When I try to expand the project only windows that show are the ones that stay on the original monitor. The only ones do not show on the second monitor, that just disappear until I reduce them back.


If I "Restore Down" the main TMG window, extend it across both monitors, adjust the internal TMG windows, and save the new Layout, I have no problems with using that Layout. Note that while the main TMG window is spread across two monitors, the internal windows are arranged so that any one window (Details, Focus Group Siblings, etc.) is displayed on one monitor. This does allow me to display all eight windows in the main TMG widown and see them all at the same time.


If I switch to some other program, it displays in the monitor on which it was last used blocking my view of TMG for that monitor. This multiple monitor arrangement works best with two monitors of the same general size, but still works OK with different sized monitors.. While I have no problems, and it works fine, I don't like the Layout over multiple monitors - it is just easier for me using a single monitor for TMG (or any program).


I have not found any difference with the Allow Multiple Monitor option selected or not.



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