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Exporting from Gold Edition 7 to TMG 9

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I am having problems being able to export from TMG7 and putting on a ScanDisk to be able to import into TMG 9.


I can't be able to input to the export wizard to complete the task, but was able to get it to go thru once, but TMG 9 won't recognize the information on the ScanDisk.


TMG is on an XP but it has been acting up lately, so I'm again trying to get the information into TMG 9 on Windows 7.


Any suggestions and walk-thru would be greatly appreciated.


Jo Dean

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TMG9 can open a TMG7 project... no export and no import required.


I would advise backing up the project in TMG7 and restoring the backup in TMG9.


Transfer the backup from one computer to another with a USB flash drive.

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Thank you


- I'm trying to figure out where in the Backup Wizard I can indicate the flash drive location- still reading the manuals........

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Well, so much for my tarrying in my last not - I MEANT TO SAY TRYING, and it seems to have worked - lots of new terminology to understand.now.


Thank you again, and I will proceed from here.

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