6rtury 0 Report post Posted June 12, 2017 For some reason, none of my posts to the TMG group appear, although I receive everyone elses. Have tried all of my email addresses; none let me post. So, maybe this is the better place to post what I tried to get up to the rootsweb listserve...... I just got a FireHD8 tablet that someone didn't want anymore. FireHD is Amazon's tablet that runs on the Android platform. Naturally everything about it is proprietary.I have no great usage plans for this tablet but would like to install TMG 9.05 on it to use with my TMG database that will be on a flashdrive. The tablet has a 64Gb microSD drive, so there is plenty of room to store at least the program. I also intend to use it for email.I have two questions:1. Has anyone installed and run TMG9 on the Android platform, and specifically on the FireHD tablet?2. Is it better to install the program on the tablet and keep the database on a flash drive, or to do it the opposite way,,,,or to keep both on the tablet (actually the microSD card)?Advice welcome.Thanks,Judith Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michael Hannah 0 Report post Posted June 12, 2017 I just got a FireHD8 tablet that ... is Amazon's tablet that runs on the Android platform. ... would like to install TMG 9.05 on it... Sorry Judith. TMG is strictly a Windows program. Unless there is some way to install Windows as the operating system instead of (or in addition to) Android, TMG will not install on this tablet. I have no experience with this tablet or platform, but will assume that it has a web browser program. An alternative which would at least let you "view" your TMG data would be to use Second Site on your Windows machine to create a set of web pages of your project. You could then load those files on your flash drive and "view" your project using the tablet's web browser. Sorry, but that is the best I can think of for using this tablet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
6rtury 0 Report post Posted June 13, 2017 Michael, Thanks, you've confirmed what I expected after playing around with this thing for a few days. It does have a browser, Sylk; however my SS files are only burned to CD, not on a web site yet. The worst part is that although my desktop sees the tablet when it's connected via USB, it really can't interact with it. I can send it files but cannot get them to be viewed or run. I've found a procedure to hack into the OS and allow it to be seen by the iphone and ipad, but frankly it's too time consuming with little payoff. I can better spend my time doing other things -- like cleaning up my TMG database after importing a Gedcom from FTM and combining that dataset with mine. On another topic, I use your online advanced manual frequently. Thanks. Judith Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michael Hannah 0 Report post Posted June 13, 2017 You are most welcome, Judith Share this post Link to post Share on other sites