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Here's the issue: I have a second marriage for a relative's ex-wife. Although she's not a blood relative, for several reasons (and to help a relative of this ex-wife) I have entered her second husband and children. This information appears in a Journal Report for my relative, her first husband, and I've been told not to share that data because her "second family" doesn't know about her first marriage.


I know how to hide data for individual tags...but is there a way to hide a group of tags (marriage, children) all at once so that it won't appear in a Journal Report?


Thank you.

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I don't think there is any alternative other than using a single exclusion marker on all of the involved tags. Doing that, you'll have the data recorded in your project but it won't be output in reports. I've done that for a number of data items in my project that are not for public viewing.

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That's what I figured, but, hey, you never know! I, too, have excluded data but had hoped there might be an easy solution for all of someone's descendants.


Thanks for all your assistance!

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There is an alternative for event tag types. Define separately-named custom tag types and then exclude these separate tag types from your report. For example, define a tag type in the Marriage group, possibly named "Marriage Sensitive". Then when you choose to produce a report you can Select which tag types are included and simply not include the sensitive tag types. When the report runs, there is no marriage. But depending upon the report that may not keep the "sensitive" children or parents from appearing.

To exclude people I find the best way is using Flags. You could have a Flag named SENS, which you set to Y for those people you wish to exclude from some reports. Now you can filter the people who are subjects of the report based on the Flag which, depending upon the report, may give you what you want.

Finally the most certain but brute force way is to use the List of People report filtered by this Flag, and use its Secondary Output to create a temporary separate Project of all people who do not have this Flag set to Y. In that temporary Project any sensitive children or parents no longer exist so will not have a relationship tag to the parent or child. You can run whatever reports you wish because these people are now not in this Project. However you may still need to "deselect" custom "Sens" event tag types as mentioned above. Otherwise you could still have, for example, a Marriage to what is now an "unknown" person, or a Witness reference to an "unknown person". When done with running the sensitive reports simply delete this temporary Project, and continue to do all your data entry and editing in the main Project which has all people.

Hope this gives you ideas,

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Thanks for your input! Lots more to think about!


P.S. I just tried to simply "exclude" the marriage of another couple. It works well in the Journal Report...but not in the Descendant Indented Chart. Is there a way to exclude it in the Chart as well? Or don't exclusion marks work in the Chart?


If a "marriage sensitive" tag would work better, would you suggest how to set that up?

Edited by Judy M.

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Hi Judy,


First, excluding a Marriage event will exclude the narrative sentence it outputs. But the Marriage event itself still exists, so I guess an Ancestor or Descendant chart will still show that the people are married but I had not tested that.


If you want to create any custom tag type I suggest starting with Terry Tips about Customizing Your Tags. As usual his Tips are the best place to start when using a feature in TMG which is new to you.

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I decided to take the easy way out: The marriage was very short-lived and the family member doesn't want it to appear. So I inserted an anecdote and excluded it. That way I know it's there...but no one else will. :-)

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