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Report Definition is in use by another user

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I'm trying to print a list of all people in my project, and I get the error message: "The report definition is in use by another user". I am the only user of TMG, and I am the only user of my computer. How do I fix this?




Edited by patj

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Are the paths correct in Preferences?

File / Preferences / Current Project Options / Advanced

Have you tried restarting your computer?

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I think the paths are ok. I assume the program wouldn't open if the paths were not correct. And I've restarted my computer numerous times. I've done a reinstall/repair from the downloaded installer. I was going to try the "clean TMG install" next, unless you have any other suggestions.



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5 hours ago, patj said:

I think the paths are ok. I assume the program wouldn't open if the paths were not correct.


That's not necessarily correct. The paths used by reports are not involved in the program opening. If you have restored your TMG data from another computer the specified paths may well not exist on this computer. See my article on moving to a new computer for information about how to fix path issues like this.

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I did the clean install and no longer have that report definition error message. The paths seem to be the same as they were before, so I don't know where the bug was. Anyway, thank you for still being available for support. 



I think the paths are ok. I assume the program wouldn't open if the paths were not correct. And I've restarted my computer numerous times. I've done a reinstall/repair from the downloaded installer. I was going to try the "clean TMG install" next, unless you have any other suggestions.



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