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TMGW 4.0 on Windows 10

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I am not sure if this forum is even active or not, but here goes. The only version of TMG I have is V4.0. I tried to download the V8, but the link does not work.

A shame to see this software is not supported any longer.

I have TMG 4.0 installed on my windows 10 computer, but when I run it, I get the message  "A change has been made to CONFIG.FPW in order to accommodate TMG's support for international code pages.. You must restart TMG how in order for this update process to take effect.  Thank You.".  After restarting, I get the same message over and over.  After a little research, I have figured out that this is the FOXPRO config file.  

How can I stop this message from coming up?



TMGW Startup.JPG

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Running TMG4 under Win10 is not a good idea even if it's possible. You might try the compatibility settings.

Right-click on the TMG4 shortcut and click Properties and then the Compatibility tab. Under Compatibility Mode, start with  Windows 95 and try that.

If that works, try the next step up (Win98), and test. If that works, try the next step up and continue until you find the newest Windows version that works. Use that the compatibility mode for that Windows version.


Do you have a TMG8 registration? If so, I can give you the installer.

You can download the TMG v9.05 installer but that does you no good without a registration.

I'd suggest moving to RootMagic 9 or Family Historian 7. I can help you with that.


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I have tried all the compatibility modes and none of them work.

I still have the computer with WIn95 (32-bit) and a working setup of TMG4.0 that I use. 

I noticed in the RootMagic 7, they recommend to direct import TMG v7.04 and v9.03.  Maybe I can install a RootsMagic7 trial and see how the import goes. Do you know if it will import my TMG v4.0b files?

Would it be better to migrate my V4.0b data to V7 or V9 before importing?



Edited by karthur

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For RM...

You should download the TMG v9.05 installer and install that. You have a 30-day trial period with full functionality.

Import your TMG v4 data set. Afterwards be sure to run optimize, validate file integrity, optimize.

You then import the v9 data set to RM from the imported TMG v9 project.

TMG v9.05 installer... 


TMG v9.05

File / Import / (Simple Wizard selected) / [Next] / select the appropriate TMG v4 option (data set or backup)

File / Maintenance / Optimize

File / Maintenance / Validate File Integrity

btw... Internal exhibits are not imported.

You can use John Cardinal's TMG Utility to convert internal exhibits to external exhibits.



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I got the TMG v9.05 installed and migrated my database.  I then installed Family Historian 7 and imported my TMG data in.  I had to do some cleanup on my "places" data to remove extra commas, but besides that, the import was complete.  I must say that Family Historian 7 is a pleasure to use. I have used it for several hours and have not had the first hang-up or crash. It works very nicely. One of the best features that I like about FH7 is the ability to tag peoples faces in a photo.

Thanks for your help.


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