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OLE IDispatch exception code 20103

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I'm running TMG 9.05 on Windows 10. Recently I dis a backup of my project and then deleted it and restored to a version from previously in the day. Now I'm getting this message, and sometimes others as well:
Red X
OLE IDispatch exception code 20103 from TList7: Item not found.. 54 FRMEXPLORER.CNTPVIEW.CNTTREE.MUPDATE  with buttons to Abort Retry Ignore

If I ignore it then I get this
Red X
OLE error code 0x800a017d: Unknown COM status code. 55 FRMEXPLORER.CNTPVIEW.CNTTREE.MUPDATE  with buttons to Abort Retry Ignore

If I ignore it then I get the same error again but with 55, ignore again and I get 58 and then it goes away.

Just previous to this I double clicked to go to another person.

What causes this and how can I fix it? See attached trouble.txt.



Edited by mbudd50

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This appears to be a problem with the TList7 control. In other words, this is a program issue, not a data issue.

First try Control Panel / Programs and Features / The Master Genealogist v9 / Repair.

If Repair doesn't work, then you should do a clean uninstall and reinstall. Uninstalling/reinstalling will not affect your data; however, I'd backup your data first as a precaution .

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