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Suspect ancestors

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At present, if I add a putative ancestor, I use an accent to change the colour so that I know from the TMG screen that as yet the evidence is not enough. My problem arises when sending a printed pedigree (or chart, or report) to a cousin - the accent doesn't show, the cousin doesn't read the notes and suddenly I am lumbered with a certain ancestor when I know that it was just a name from a parish register who was in the right place at roughly the right time and one parent's name kind of matches.


I wish that I was able to change the font and have them joined in charts by dotted lines. I suppose I could use the word POSSIBLY or PROBABLY as a suffix to the name. How have other people solved this problem ?



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If you add the parent but make the tag non-primary then the parent won't show in pedigree charts. For reports with citations, you can add a citation to the tag that indicates the speculative nature of the relationship.

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Another possibility is to append "(possible ancestor)" to the surname of the person.


Then no matter how you output that person that will be seen by others. Once you verify the relationship, it is only a simple name edit to remove that marker.

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Another possibility is to append "(possible ancestor)" to the surname of the person.


Then no matter how you output that person that will be seen by others. Once you verify the relationship, it is only a simple name edit to remove that marker.



I think this will be the answer because every time I look at a report or chart I will be reminded of what is outstanding.



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