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Terry Reigel

1 Sep 2007 Chat Transcripts

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Gee, you miss one chat and all they do is talk about you. :lol:


Seriously, you guys would not want me to do a video. I have a severe southern US accent that sometimes even my children can't understand. (which is even worse now, because of my allergies making me hoarse)

But I love the new sentence forum. Glad others are too. What a valuable resource.

Edited by GenerationGoneBy

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Gee, you miss one chat and all they do is talk about you. :lol:


Seriously, you guys would not want me to do a video. I have a severe southern US accent that sometimes even my children can't understand. (which is even worse now, because of my allergies making me hoarse)

But I love the new sentence forum. Glad others are too. What a valuable resource.


Would too :P Perhaps you could write the script & have someone else read it while you demonstrated with the program.......hmmm, Terry could read it.......... ;)


Seriously, I think it would be invaluable as many of those I'm working with learn visually and find it helps them greatly to be able to watch the videos and work along with them. This is especially obvious with complex topics.




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