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About djsavell

  • Rank
    Dale Savell
  • Birthday 06/17/1950

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    Aiken, South Carolina

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  1. Picklist Sorting

    TMG 9.05 - When I hit the search button and it takes me to the Picklist, it only sorts on the last name. Putting a letter for the 1st name takes it automatically to the first record of the next alphabetical last name. See the attached example. I had the same problem with TMG 7.04. I had to send my database to Bob years ago for him to fix. When I upgraded to 9.05 the problem returned. Unfortunately I missed sending the new version to him for repair before TMG went extinct. Any thoughts?
  2. I just rebooted my computer to make sure I didn't have to re-enter my S/N like a do every week when I cross a Sunday. I can open TMG 9.05 a hundred times or not at all but come Monday I have to unlock it again. Rebooting does not affect me.
  3. I have to unlock my TMG 9.05 every week after crossing a Sunday. Once unlocked, I am good for the week no matter how many times I open it. But once I cross Sunday, I have to unlock it again. My user account on Windows 10 is an administrator account. I had this issue on my old computer which was an upgraded Win7 to Win10. My new computer is a full new install of Windows 10 Pro.
  4. VCF not working

    Hi Sue, I too have had issues with VCF. My problem has been that its working has been intermittent. I have usually directed my charts to .bmp. But also to the screen. If it works, great but if not, I get a message saying there was a problem with VCF and the program has stopped. I've restarted TMG. I've rebooted the computer and then it might work or it might not. There is no consistency to the error. I've re-installed TMG but the same thing happens. I was running TMG 9.05 on an old 2008 computer with Windows 7 Ultimate upgraded to Windows 10 64bit Pro. I just bought a new computer running complete Windows 10 Pro and I've installed TMG 9.05. So far, so good. I haven't tried VCF yet on it so I can't tell you if I still have the problem. But I will check it out shortly.
  5. Exhibits

    I will certainly look at that. Thanks!
  6. Picklist Sorting

    No styles defined. Hmmmmmmmmmm
  7. Paste/Copy Errors TMG 9

    I'd forgotten about the fact that my F3 repeat function does not work. Stopped in the middle of a session back in January. Ctrl C / Ctrl V work fine. Dale
  8. Exhibits

    I've always used TMG as a sort of backup for a lot of my pictures whether they be jpg photos or jpg scanned documents. My reasoning being that if I use external exhibits, when I get a new computer I have to make sure that the folder structure is identical to the old computer. So I read up in the TMG manual about internal exhibits and started using it. Back in December all of a sudden when I do my data backup I get a box that says Program Error with a yellow triangle ! and the box says Invalid path or file name (cancel - ignore- help). I select Ignore 27 times. This started after I added a lot of Exhibits to people. I did a restore back to the backup just prior to advent of these errors and the backups worked normal until I added the Exhibits again. The log file does not record these errors that I can find. Also, when I go look at the people that received the exhibits, they are all there. My backup is close to 1.5gb in size. 22k+ people. I originally had 33 txt files that came up missing over the years but the backups never showed errors. It is only these 27 new missing files that now show the error. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate on a quadcore system with 8gb of RAM. I have run Optimize and Reindex and Validate File Integrity with no change. Dale Savell Aiken, SC
  9. Picklist Sorting

    Using the Simple Picklist, I have selected the sort options Surname, Given name, Birth date. It sorts by Surname and Birth date. I had this issue using version 7. I sent my data to Dorothy and she fix it but I don't know what she did. My version 7 still works like a charm. It broke again when I upgraded to version 8 and stayed broken when I upgraded to version 9. Though I've got over 22k people in my database, It is more of an annoyance than anything. I know my database well enough that I can quickly select an odd name to sort on and find the person I need. I've tried the other options in the picklist but it will not give me Parker, Abel, then Parker, Charles. It gives me all the Parkers sorted by Birth date. It does not sort by surname, given name. Dale Savell Aiken, SC
  10. I have the CD TMG9. Is it possible if I duplicated it for someone wanting the CD, that they could use it with their registration number? Just thinking out loud is someone wants the CD. I also have the version 8 CD. Dale Savell Aiken, SC
  11. I guess I'm really coming to this late. Just heard today that TMG has been discontinued. Glad I am running 9.05 though I am having several annoying issues with my picklist not sorting alphabetically beyond last name. And the program is no longer allowing me to add internal exhibits. My thought was going to be doing a backup of my data and then re-installing the software and restoring my data. Now I'm wondering if that is a good idea. Plus I had planned to get a new computer and Windows 10 when it comes out later this year. Anybody have any thoughts on that?
  12. Exhibits Error

    I want to thank everyone who helped in resolving this problem. I didn't stop inputing data during this episode. I was merely unable to attach any internal text files or read the already existing files. But now that I am running version 6.07.976 I am back in good shape. As far as I'm concerned, the repair mechanism at TMG worked wonderfully. That they took the time to fix a problem that was reportedly only affecting 2 people that I know of is a real tribute to the programmers at TMG and to the very knowledgable users group that worked with me. Thanks again to all. Dale
  13. Exhibits Error

    Do I have MS-Access? Is the Access affecting the Richtx32.ocx file? What about Word 2003? Do I have Anti-Virus running? These are all moot points? The only thing to change on my computer is TMG. Version 6.01 worked. 6.07 does not. It isn't my computer that has changed. It is something in TMG. Perhaps TMG's reaction to MS-Access changed from 6.01 to 6.07. Dale
  14. Exhibits Error

    The D drive is an 80gb partition of a 120gb drive. The other 40gigs are for the C drive. The data for my TMG resides on a 160gb E drive. As to the questions in your E-mail. I've never used Microsoft Document Imaging. It might come with Office 2003 but I've never used it. The error doesn't have anything to do with data I don't believe. Just the mere clicking on the exhibit tab for Internal Text sets off the error. I don't get a chance to input any data. If I click on External File and select a Word document then that part works fine. It is only in the Internal Text module of the program that the error occurs. The day the error occurred was the day I upgraded from 6.01 to 6.07. Nothing else changed. When I reloaded 6.00 from the CD, it worked just like it should using the sample database. But when I then re-upgraded to 6.07 the Sample Database no longer worked and I got the GOMEDIAVIEWER error. If I go to a record where I have previously input Internal Text, I can not open that exhibit. Pictures I have no problems with, only Internal Text. Dale
  15. Exhibits Error

    This is the Error.txt file from TMG just created as I made it error a few times. 2006.01.20, 18:01:19 1923Object GOMEDIAVIEWER is not found. 170 FRMEXHIBIT.MVIEWEXHIBIT 2006.01.20, 18:01:23 1File 'd:\program files\the master genealogist\sample\sample__' does not exist. 138 FRMOLE.M_INIT 2006.01.20, 18:01:25 1923Object GOMEDIAVIEWER is not found. 170 FRMEXHIBIT.MVIEWEXHIBIT 2006.01.20, 18:08:02 1923Object GOMEDIAVIEWER is not found. 170 FRMEXHIBIT.MVIEWEXHIBIT 2006.01.20, 18:08:11 1File 'd:\program files\the master genealogist\sample\sample__' does not exist. 138 FRMOLE.M_INIT 2006.01.20, 18:08:13 1923Object GOMEDIAVIEWER is not found. 170 FRMEXHIBIT.MVIEWEXHIBIT This is the end of the VFP7RERR.LOG file Fatal error: Exception code=C0000029 @ 2006.01.14 08:21:07 PM. Error log file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\vfp7rerr.log Called from - statusbar.minit line 13 {d:\program files\common\libs\mdi.vct d:\program files\common\libs\mdi.vct} Called from - tmgappobj.rlchangedlayout_assign line 8 {d:\program files\common\libs\appobj.vct d:\program files\common\libs\appobj.vct} Called from - screen.resize line 16 {d:\program files\the master genealogist\common\programs\screenhook.prg screenhook.fxp} Called from - messagebox2 line 106 {d:\program files\the master genealogist\common\programs\messagebox2.prg messagebox2.fxp} Called from - errorhandler line 23 {d:\program files\the master genealogist\common\programs\errorhandler.prg errorhandler.fxp} Called from - ON... line 0 { } Called from - frmole.m_init line 138 {d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct} Called from - frmexhibit.mviewexhibit line 169 {d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct} Called from - frmexhibit.timer1.timer line 2 {d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct} Called from - tmgmain line 585 {d:\program files\the master genealogist\tmg\programs\tmgmain.prg d:\program files\the master genealogist\tmg.exe} Fatal error: Exception code=C0000029 @ 2006.01.14 08:21:08 PM. Error log file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\vfp7rerr.log Called from - statusbar.minit line 13 {d:\program files\common\libs\mdi.vct d:\program files\common\libs\mdi.vct} Called from - tmgappobj.rlchangedlayout_assign line 8 {d:\program files\common\libs\appobj.vct d:\program files\common\libs\appobj.vct} Called from - screen.resize line 16 {d:\program files\the master genealogist\common\programs\screenhook.prg screenhook.fxp} Called from - messagebox2 line 106 {d:\program files\the master genealogist\common\programs\messagebox2.prg messagebox2.fxp} Called from - errorhandler line 23 {d:\program files\the master genealogist\common\programs\errorhandler.prg errorhandler.fxp} Called from - ON... line 0 { } Called from - frmole.m_init line 138 {d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct} Called from - frmexhibit.mviewexhibit line 169 {d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct} Called from - frmexhibit.timer1.timer line 2 {d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct d:\program files\common\libs\exhibit.vct} Called from - tmgmain line 585 {d:\program files\the master genealogist\tmg\programs\tmgmain.prg d:\program files\the master genealogist\tmg.exe} Dale