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Jim Slade

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    Oklahoma City

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  1. I am using TMGv9.05 with Windows 10/64 and they have been working fine ever since I upgraded from Win7 about 3-4 years ago. However, in recent weeks, TMG has been locking up, freezing to the point I can only use Task Mgr to close TMG & re-open, then it works ok for a while. In the past two hours, it has frozen 4 times. After it freezes & reboots, I always run Optimize & VFI. There does not seem to be any certain action that causes the freeze. It has locked when I was adding data, merging people, changing from one project to another, working in Master Place List, merging Sources in Master Source List, just a variety of tasks. Otherwise, TMG works well. Would it help if I re-installed TMG? Any other suggestions? Jim Slade
  2. I was trying to move 50 people from dataset #1 to dataset #2 when this error message appeared: Variable 'RULESET' is not found. 1248 MOVEPERSON2 I had to choose Abort to close the error. The process was 92% complete, but TMG had locked and I had to ctl-alt-del to close TMG. It appears that all 50 people were "copied" to dataset 2, but they were also still in dataset #1. My purpose was to delete the 50 people from dataset#1. I have done this move successfully many times, but not this time. What caused this error and how can it be avoided? Now, when I try to open this project, even though NO TMG project is open, I get this message: "This project is in use elsewhere. Please select another project." I am using TMGv9.05 Windows 10/64 with latest updates Jim Slade
  3. I have some questions about the TMG file maintence routines 1- What is the most effective sequence to run File > Maintenance: Reindex, Optimize, UFI, etc? 2- Is it useful to re-run any of these modules a second time? 3- When you have more than one data set in a project and run the Maintence routines, does it re-index, optimize, etc all the data sets in the project? or only those data sets that are enabled? I am using TMG v9.05 with Windows 10 Thanks, Jim
  4. (OK) Oklahoma City TMG Users

    Contact: Jim Slade sladej@swbell.net Meeting info: Meetings are held monthly on the Second Saturday of the Month, 11:00 am until 12:30 in Suite 201, 3000 Center Building, 3000 United Founders Blvd, Oklahoma City [must use EAST Entrance]. See website for map and directions TMG Users is a subgroup of Genealogy Group of Computer Club of Oklahoma City. All are welcome to the General Genealogy Group meets 9:00 am to 10:45 prior to the TMG User meeting. Two dollar donation for meeting expenses is accepted. Website: Oklahoma City Computer Genealogy Mailing list: Subscribe free sending request to Oklahoma City TMG sladej@swbell.net Other info: We demonstrate different features in TMGv5 and then cover any problems attendees are having with TMG4 or 5