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Make a new project from a focus group list of names

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I have a one name focue group(Burgess) (81) that I desire to convert into a new project PJC, I don't want these names removed from my current (Jacka) (1750) project.

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Use the List of People report, with the Focus Group set to specify the "Subjects." In Options, click on the Secondary Output tab, and select to "Create new Project." Run the report, and when prompted, allow TMG to create the new Project.

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Thanks for that one Terry, I hadn't played with those settings (yet). Most useful. I must find time to ferret around in the "second pages of the settings/options". Maybe a "You might not have found this" topic?


The actual question that I was searching for before coming across this was, can a Focus group results be used to a filter for the project that you are working on?


Thanks - (another) Terry

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You mean to use the Focus Group to filter the Picklist or Project Explorer? No, you can't. But you can use the Focus Group itself to navigate - right-click on any person it it and choose "Change focus to this person."

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Thanks Terry,


The change focus is useful but it would be good to be able to use it as the template for a filter.


Thanks as always.


Regards - (another) Terry

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The change focus is useful but it would be good to be able to use it as the template for a filter.

I can't imaging how that would be useful but it's simple to do.


Create a custom flag.


Use the secondary output of the List of People report to set the flag for the individuals in the Focus Group. The subject of the report would be the focus group.


Filter the Picklist or Project Explorer or a report based on the flag.

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Thanks Jim, the custom flag is an option that I hadn't thought of, and I will use it when I want something that is semi temporary. My idea is simply to use the focus group to set up the filter.


Maybe I am doing things the wrong way around, but the ease/flexibility of setting up a focus group and being able to add and delete individuals without the more structured filter query would allow me to compare say four John Smiths and their families to see if there are similarities that links them, especially if you pen two copies of TMG at the same time. A basic example, but I think that it would be easier to set up in Focus than in the Filter? If I have missed a trick then please let me know, that is one of the reasons I enjoy using TMG, people are always using it in a diffferent way and many of the tips are so useful.


Regards - Terry


The change focus is useful but it would be good to be able to use it as the template for a filter.

I can't imaging how that would be useful but it's simple to do.


Create a custom flag.


Use the secondary output of the List of People report to set the flag for the individuals in the Focus Group. The subject of the report would be the focus group.


Filter the Picklist or Project Explorer or a report based on the flag.

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Maybe I am doing things the wrong way around, but the ease/flexibility of setting up a focus group and being able to add and delete individuals without the more structured filter query would allow me to compare say four John Smiths and their families to see if there are similarities that links them, especially if you pen two copies of TMG at the same time.

That's a perfectly reasonable approach.

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