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Lee Irons

Location Mapping

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I thought TMG 8 was going to return latitude and longitude data from map search results that would then be saved with a place name. What TMG 8 seems to be providing is just simple location searches using online mapping tools launched from TMG. Am I missing something?

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I thought TMG 8 was going to return latitude and longitude data from map search results that would then be saved with a place name. What TMG 8 seems to be providing is just simple location searches using online mapping tools launched from TMG. Am I missing something?


the lat/long values are easily obtained from the map search by place name eg google maps by place name

right click on the resulting balloon over the place

select the What's here menu option

then copy/paste the lat/long values that are shown into your place field

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I thought TMG 8 was going to return latitude and longitude data from map search results that would then be saved with a place name. What TMG 8 seems to be providing is just simple location searches using online mapping tools launched from TMG. Am I missing something?


the lat/long values are easily obtained from the map search by place name eg google maps by place name

right click on the resulting balloon over the place

select the What's here menu option

then copy/paste the lat/long values that are shown into your place field


Thank you Lorna. :)

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The thing that has changed in V8 is that the Latitude and Longitude is now stored in the more precise decimal format. Thus if you have a choice of the format to be returned from your search, I recommend selecting the decimal format.

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