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Tags - Roles - Sentence

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Most thanks for the fast answer.

When I have installed version 8.1 I have charged as well the new roles. The consequence is for some tags, that I have twice time the same role. Example: tag Marriage -- role: Father Bride and father bride. The first created by version 8, the second stood there (my creation in the version 7). The sentences for both roles were now however no longer modifying.

I have again installed the project from the backup, however now with deactivated new roles. The result proves be the same.

Remarks: I used the Dutch language.

With thanks in advancefor yr comments en help.

Edited by Freddy

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Hi Freddy,


Have you chosen the "Advanced Mode" as your data entry mode? In Preferences > Program Options: Data Entry be sure that the "Advanced" option is selected for Data Entry Mode. As can be seen in TMG HELP under the topic "Beginner Mode/Advanced Mode", to be able to modify Roles you must choose this "Advanced" option.

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Are you sure one of those isn't Father Bride and father bride1? TMG 8.0 does not treat roles with different case as different roles, so if you have both Father Bride and father bride, that is the same role and you have it listed twice in the same tag type. I don't see how that could have happened to be honest. When you added the roles from TMG 8 (whether you chose to enable them or not) they were supposed to have a 1 added to the end of the role name if you already had a role by that role name. So if you already had Father Bride, and TMG 8.0 was going to add father bride, it should have added a 1 at the end of the rolename. Since you say you are using DUTCH, you have translated one role name to Father Bride and another role name to father bride. You can change the translation to the role you aren't using to something else (like "DELETE ME"). But that should not affect your ability to edit role sentences at all. Have you tried contacting support at support@whollygenes.com?

I really don't know what more to suggest.

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When you say you have changed, does that mean you have edited the role name translations? If so, that is your problem. This is a known bug in TMG 8.01. It has been fixed in 8.02. Just reinstall from your backup and don't edit or sort role name translations until 8.02 is released. That may be why you are seeing two of each role. I don't know why you can't edit the sentences, but it may be an after effect of the role bug issue. You can still use roles from TMG 8.01, just wait a while until you sort them in the list, or try and edit the role name translations. 8.02 is supposed to fix this issue for us. Hopefully this will fix your sentence editing problems as well.

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I have Freddy's project and a programmer is looking at some role issues that I can see with his data. Freddy works in Dutch and all of the data in his TMG7 project is in Dutch so his description above doesn't really illustrate how his data appears. The role name in TMG7 is actually 'vader bruid'. The Dutch role name translation for the imported Father of Bride role in TMG8 is 'Vader bruid'.

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