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customer does not like new tabbing fields on Citation Entry

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Customer, Jack Lovelace wrote...
When tabbing between fields on the Citation Entry screen, the sequence now goes: Source #, Citation Detail, Surety (1,2,D,P,M in sequence, as required), Citation Memo, Reference. This change was introduced with release 9.0.

I prefer the sequence: Source #, Citation Detail, Citation Memo, Surety Values, Reference. This is the sequence in which version 8, and earlier, worked.

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Actually, as I recall, there were a lot of tabs required to get from Source # to CD.


While I suspect some users, like Jack, will not agree, I find the new tab sequence to be very much improved - it saves me a lot of time when I can remember to not tab four times to get from CD to Surety. :)

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The issue is which has data entered more frequently by that user: CM or Sureties.


The old way got to CM faster, the new way gets to Sureties faster.


I have both V7.04 and V8.08 available for testing.


In both it was 3 tabs from Source # to CD, but then only one to CM, and then 2 more to Surety.

So if your goal is CM, then 4 total tabs; but if your goal is Sureties, then 6 (through CM) total tabs.


In V9 it is only one to CD, but then six (through the Sureties) to CM.

So if your goal is Sureties, then 2 tabs; but if your goal is CM, then 7 total tabs.


Bottom line is that using tabs to get to CD and then Sureties is now faster, but getting to CM is now much slower.


It is a tradeoff. I think most users will appreciate getting to CD faster. But some users will prefer the new, some the old, depending upon which other fields they use most.


I seldom use Sureties, but often use CM, so I now have learned to use my mouse to click to CM and have abandoned using tabs to get there.

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