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Missing msvcr71.dll

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I'm using v9, English version. For some unknown reason I cannot load it due to a missing msvcr71.dll.


A web search suggested registry problems. I have cleaned the registry.


Searching c: drive I located a total of 14 copies of the missing .dll; none where connected to TMG.


I tried to load my old v7 - I was surprised to receive the same error report.


Help, please! Before I make matters worse, could someone please offer a guiding hand?


Pat Dunbar



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If you search the forum for mscvr71.dll you find several posts on the problem. The solution seems to be to download the trial version form the WG web site and reinstall

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First, it is very important if you intend to continue using TMG that you have your own copy of the installer, kept in a safe place. That means someplace other than on your computer.


I no longer find it on the WG website, but you should have a copy on your computer. Look in this folder in your computer:


C:\ProgramData\The Master Genealogist v9 Installer\Update


You should see a file called tmg9setup.exe -- that is the installer. Double-click on it to run it.


If that works, copy it to a safe place for future use.

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Thanks for the assistance offered. It is comforting to know I have friends willing to help.


Some time ago I carefully filed a copy of the installer (honest!) but yesterday I couldn't find it. So much for my filing system.


Today I checked Terry's TMG Tips - and there I found The Future for TMG Users which included download links for both the UK and the US versions. In a very short time TMG was fixed using the 'Repair' button.


So a special 'thank you' to Terry.


Pat Dunbar

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Jim and Terry

I installed v 9.04.0000 the other day (with great difficulty, I might add. Thanks to Terry's tips, I finally got it done!). I believe I got it by using a previous version to "salt" the program and make it take the new one. Now, we have v9.04.000x?

Point is, I have a copy of the exe file, named tmg9setup.exe in my downloads, dated 11/26/2014.

Today, I downloaded the "newest" version from Bob Velke's message link. Fortunately, I downloaded it to a different download folder.

It's name, of course, is tmg9setup.exe, dated 12/4/2014

Now, since we are apparently going to have to use both of these (????) to update to today's file, would it be possible to change the name of the first one to tem9setup_old.exe or something? Otherwise, believe me, my old brain is going to screw this up.

I have only switched over one computer, so I'm sure I have a "really old" version of 9 on my laptop. I'll also make a copy of that exe file.

But, how to keep them all straight????


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