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Check for update error & report errors

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My computer crashed and I had to restore my PC to factory. I have Windos Vista Home Pre X86. After I re-installed TMG I now can't get the program to check for updates, I keep getting an error. The error reads as follows:

No application in c;\program files 9x86)\the master genealogist v7 is associated with the update engine so it cannot check for updates. Please make sure that this software is installed properly.

I have two folders named program files on my PC, one is just program files, and the other is program files x86. Should TMG be installed in the program files or the program files x86 folder? Right now it is in the Program files x86 folder.

I'm also not able to create any PDF or Doc files and save them to my reports folder or anywhere else like the program did before. When I try to save PDF or Doc files the program stops when it reaches 100% and I have to exit the program and restart the PC before I can re-enter the TMG program again.


Any help would be great!!

Edited by bradhallsr

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I am having the same problem with the updates. When trying to create a report in pdf or doc I receive a 'printer not activated error 20'. I hope someone will be able to help.


I am using Vista 64 bit.

Edited by cisco12

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See: http://www.whollygenes.com/forums201/index...6&hl=update . You can also check for the most current version in the upgrades center here: http://www.whollygenes.com/Merchant2/merch...screen=UPGRADES.


@cisco12: See: http://www.whollygenes.com/forums201/index...showtopic=12005 .




(Search is your friend :) )

Edited by Wiley

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As has been discussed here many times, TMG 7 "plays perfectly well" with 64-bit versions of windows with very specific exceptions: reports to word processors, and specific steps being needed to set up reports to PDF in some cases.

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I agree with Terry. TMG works really well under 64 bit Win 7. The known issues have been discussed on this forum multiple times.


It might make sense to "pin" a topic on the known issues at the top of this forum to slow that rate at which these issues are being recycled.

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