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Troublesome Issues

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I am running TMG V9.5 but for the last three days I have been encountering problems. The program runs intermittently in “Repair Mode”. When I try to backup my project from my main computer, I am told it is complete, but when I try to restore to my laptop, I am told there is nothing to restore. I can access, use and edit the data on my main computer but it does not look as if I can back it up successfully. I back it up to use on my portable laptop (it has the same version of TMG loaded). I have tried to load a previous version of my project, but get a message "_(name of my project)_____.pjc does not appear to be a valid file"; then I am told the project is in use elsewhere.

I have also been getting the following message: "error opening database" "error message = -1, could not open ____(name of project)______project (2$.DBF)"; this occurs when I try to produce certain reports (Descendant Box or Ancestor Box, chart reports seem to run fine). Therefore, I am unable to run these charts.

I have been on this forum and from what I read it looks as if I may have a corrupted program. The suggestion is to reload TMG; 1) I do not know how to find a copy to download and 2) I am concerned about reloading the program w/o a verifiable backup. I do not want to lose the data that I've been working on the past few days.


I've tried file validation and optimize with no changes. I've also de-fragged my computer and error checked the system. I also tried to re-load TMG 9.5 in the "Repair mode" I do want to reload the entire program until I hear that my data is safe. Finally, I only run one program at a time.


Help would be appreciated.

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Thanks for your prompt replies. I followed your explicit directions and re-loaded TMG 9.05. However, when going to "Select" a file, I get a message that says my .SQZ file has nothing to restore and then ends; when I try to use the option to "Restore" a ..PJC file I get "the file does not appear to be valid". Am I in trouble?

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I'm sorry, how do I "Open" the file? On the Welcome Menu there are only 6 options; "Select" a .PJC is what I've chosen and then get that "validity" message.

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You use File > Open from the main screen. From the welcome screen use Select. If that's giving you the error message there is an issue with the file. Hopefully Jim will have some idea about how to deal with that.

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Thanks, I've tried that and still get the message that the file does not appear to be valid. I am not a computer expert, but when I examine the files in TMG Projects Folder I see a whole listing of files that were accessed and modified yesterday, the day that I was able to access them. There must be some way to restore these files to a new .pjc or .sqz file? Al least I hope so. I was able to use the entire program yesterday and I got messages saying the file was backed up, but those same backup versions are not recognized today. Now since I totally reloaded TMG, I do not even have access to those files that I used yesterday.

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What operating system version are you using?


Have you rebooted your computer?


It sounds like a series of cascading issues with no firm handle to grasp.


I agree that the program appears to be the issue, although there are too many variables in what you are describing to get any handle on.


I can check the integrity of any project backup or project in a folder (make a ZIP file of the folder) for you.


It's time to do a clean install which is described in this topic.



You can contact me by email by clicking on the link below...

Jim Byram

Edited by Jim Byram

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I just started having the same "Repair, then "Project in use"" problem. I'm using Win-10 , v. 1511, and TMG v. 9.05 (on a CD as of Dec'14) .


The Sample project always opens .


I have rebooted the PC. I have uninstalled TMG per Jim Byram's useful post of 12/10/14, more than once. 1st time, installed with existing S/N. 2nd time, installed as "Trial Copy"; I unlocked with my purchased S/N.

Ran TMG as Admin.

Sample project always opens..

Last attempt, Repair mode not open and trying to open my projects (3); always showed "Project in use elsewhere".


Appreciate any help.


Ed Zwieback


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Reinstalling the program accomplishes nothing when there is an issue with the project.


Also, there is no need to run TMG as administrator.


If the Sample project can be opened with no issue but your project can't, then there is some problem with your project.


If you make a ZIP file of the project folder and send it to me, I'll check it. Delete the .CDX files first to reduce the size of the .ZIP file. If it's too large to email, you'll need to make it available as a download.


You can contact me by clicking on the link below.

Jim Byram

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Best guess after examining the projects... Some external application (such as MaAfee or AVG?) is removing files from the projects located on the E: drive. All 5 projects have missing files.

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