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John Schomaker

GEDCOM Export from v8.08 limited to 200 people

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I have used TMG for over 10 years and appreciate the flexibility in entering information and generating reports. For the first time I have tried to export my data to a GEDCOM file. Here is my problem.


My file contains 1,231 people according to the Project Summary. I have tried to export to a GEDCOM file using all the default settings of the Wizard and selecting "All People". When the export is running it indicates that it is exporting 1,231 people and 396 families. When I look at the GEDCOM file in a text editor or try a test import back into TMG I only see a file with 200 people. The people that are exported are the first 200 ordered by ID Number. There are no families represented and there are a lot of warning messages about missing sources, which I assume come from the export stopping after a limited number of lines.


What might I be doing wrong?


Thanks for any help that you can offer.

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The issue Virginia is mentioning occurs when the GEDCOM file is being built in a folder where some other program (such as DropBox) will simultaneously be checking and looking at files in that folder. That other program could grab control of that file and not let TMG finish writing all the data into that file. The solution is to be sure no other program is messing with (that is my "technical term ) the GEDCOM file while it is being written by TMG.

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Virginia, Michael, and Vera,


Thank you for your advice. You were correct. Dropbox, Backblaze, and McAfee were all running when I was trying to create the GEDCOM file. I stopped all of them (I think McAfee was the offender in my case) and the GEDCOM file was created successfully.


I am so appreciative of the expertise that exists for TMG. Thank you all.



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This might be what's happening to me...I have TMG 7.04 and, because my husband wants to upgrade to Windows 10 thought it best to try another database program. I have downloaded the deluxe Legacy program and am having a couple of questions. The first with the export file from TMG... I have one file that the "picklist" says has 329 people in it, but when I print out a list or try to export the file, it only comes up with 249. That's my first question...what or who am I missing and why? The second is that when I contacted Legacy they, first of all do not have a "bridge" to transfer TMG files to their database other than using a GEDCOM, and when they say there will be "some lost of data." I don't use all the bells and whistles of TMG...names/dates tags, memos basically. Does anyone know what kind of data loss I might find? Thanks!

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TMG v7.04 runs fine under Windows 10.


And you can make a successful GEDCOM transfer to Legacy 8.


If you have problems making the GEDCOM export, you can send me your project and I'll make the GEDCOM export for you under v9.05 which has a few additions to get more data out in the GEDCOM export.


What is not exported depends what features you use in TMG. A number of people have successfully moved to Legacy via GEDCOM. There will always be cleanup after the import but since you have a small number of people, you will get it done quickly.


You can send me an email by clicking on the link below...

Jim Byram

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To add one thing to what Jim said...


The Picklist does not say you have 329 people, but that you have 329 names. You will have fewer people than that because of maiden names, nicknames, and other alternate names. I suspect that the 249 people count is right. What is the highest ID# you have?

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Thanks. Have Legacy now and it has features I didn't have in TMG (I only had the Silver Edition). I think I figured out the difference in the picklist counts and the file count....married names. Those in the picklist aren't identified as primary...just the name as it appears with their birth family. So I'm okay with that.


I'm going to export the files and then do a checkup through them to see if anything significant is missing. I appreciate your help.

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