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Found 8 results

  1. Phantom Spouse

    This is a plea for Jim Byrum's help based on a recommendation from Michael Hannah. When I generate a Journal, I get the following line "There were no known children of Lemuel Alexander Donnell (20)and the unknown spouse mentioned above." I worked with Michael , looking for a missing "primary" marriage and other things. That did not fix this issue, although it appears it did fix another. There was also a residence tag that appeared in the BMDB section of Lemuel's (20) report. Michael also recommended I send a copy of the TMG backup, but I'll wait until I see if Jim is still checking up on TMG issues.. Thanks Alton Donnell 5052419111 The person details are below.
  2. This website contains all nonliving people in my database, and most lines are now supported/proven by DNA matching. Ancestral lines are well documented; others may or may not be. My maternal lines are entirely Colonial New England and New York. My dad's father's lines are from England and his mother's line s lines are from Germany, all mid-1800s. This is an ongoing project that uses many TMG and Second Site features. I hope others will find it of interest. Read the home page for an overview of what you may find. Use the Search and Index tabs to zero in on individuals and the Charts to understand the relationships. Click on anything underscored for more information: https://doriswheeler.org.
  3. I am posting on behalf of a correspondent, a long-time TMG user (name and contact info below). He has tried repeatedly to subscribe to the Forum but has been unable to do so. He writes: "When I attempt to open my main project a message window appears with the message “[name of project].PJC does not appear to be a valid PJC file". The project will not open. I can restore a backup but when I exit the restored project and try to reopen I see the same message. Is there a way to repair the corrupted project?" My understanding is that this is on Win 7, TMG version 9.04 [which I think has been updated very recently to 9.05 but with no change in behaviour as far as I know]. Basically the same question was posted to the TMG mailing list a week ago, but nothing useful has appeared in response. I know that a standard question will be: are there any cloud programs running which may be monitoring the TMG project files? There are no cloud backup programs on the system, as such, but Dropbox is on the machine. Details on whether there is any possible 'collision' between folders monitored by Dropbox and the TMG files are still being looked into. The TMG problem has only appeared very recently. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. Any direct messages could be sent to David Allen <davidg.allen@ns.sympatico.ca>, or to me, or we should both be able to read any responses on the Forum. Thanks, John Cordes
  4. Is there anyway to get an install CD for TMG 9.5?
  5. I have been using TMG v8 to date. Just before the deadline (last year) I bought an upgrade to v9. But having at last installed v9, I can't seem to import my v8 project into it. I'm sure there must be a simple way, and that I'm probably being more than usually stupid, but can anyone help please? Martin
  6. TMG 9 on Mac in 2015 This article is an update to the TMG 8 on Mac article on the Wholly Genes Forum which was written for older versions of Mac operating systems and older versions of Parallels. New Macs run Yosemite and currently Parallels is at version 10. I have been running TMG on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), Intel Core i7 2.5 GHz with 16Gb Ram in a Windows 8.1 Pro Upd. 1 64bit virtual machine under Parallels 10 since the summer of 2014 with no particularly special configuration to Parallels, Windows 8, or TMG. Attached is a PDF I compiled as I tested TMG in preparation of writing a new TMG 9 on Mac article, however the only recommendations I have at this time are the same recommendations I’d make for anyone running TMG on Windows 7, 8 or above. Right click the setup .exe file and choose run as administrator from the context menu, do not start TMG at the end of the installation process, instead reboot your computer, then on the very first run of TMG and the first run only, right click the TMG short cut on your desktop, or in the start menu and choose run as administrator from the context menu, enter your TMG unlock information and exit TMG, after these steps are completed run TMG normally. There are some Mac/Parallels users that recommend configuring Parallels to not share the Mac Home folder with Windows. This will put your TMG files on the Windows side and may be desirable for some users. Since the only Windows applications I’m using are TMG, TMG Utility, and Second Site I find it more convenient to have report output saved in the Mac document folder, reports are available when the virtual machine is not running, and Word, Excel, PDF etc. output can be opened with Mac applications. TMG on OS X 10.pdf
  7. Hi I am a long term TMG user but am one of those who thought they would update when they had time to get back into their genealogy research. I was away while all the upgrade/finishing emails were coming through so did not get in to upgrade on time and now can't find a Version 9 anywhere. I started having some trouble with reports when I looked at my V7 again and so looked at what programs others were looking at. I downloaded the trial of Family Historian and imported my TMG project. When I did the straight TMG import - all people came over with their relationships intact but no dates, places, events, memos etc. Just names really. I sent a copy of the backup to Family Historian who were very helpful but eventually gave me the following message: "The developers have taken a look at your file and in 'debug' mode encounter an error where a Memo file is missing, they are also getting the same error if they try to import your Project into TMG 9. Which they think suggests a problem with the file you sent us or your database, as you are seeing the same problem on import on your system this would suggest it may be a problem with your database I am afraid." Tonight I tried it as a GEDCOM file import. This time the Memos, dates & places came through - but no relationships or events with more than one person linked eg. no marriages. No-one is a descendant or ancestor! I did get an error message when I saved as the Gedcom; 'Memo file c:\Users\hn\Documents\The Master Genealogistv7\Projects\MYHUNTERPROJECT_G.FPT is missing or is invalid. 4056 G_EVENT (it gives multiple messages of the same except the event changes (there are 9 numbered events mentioned). Any help very gratefully received as I'm a bit of a techno failure and don't want to have to re-enter my 9000 odd people & their life events! Thanks ahunterclan
  8. After installing succesfull (the second try) the latest (9.01) TMG-version. i tried to create an new project, importing a Legacy 8 fdb-file. At 36% person-information-import i get the "Declare DLL call caused an exception 1014 GBMAIN"-error, with no further clue. TMG locks. Can someone help?